1、That human essence is the total of all society relations is the famous inference in Marx's "Theses on Feuerbach".
2、Human essence is determined by the total of society relations. It has the nature of society. Human essence lies in the nature of society.
3、Human essence is historical, special and not abstract.
4、Human essence keeps changing and developing. So it is the same with the social relations.
Keyword Searching
Subject Searching
Use keyword when your term may be very new, very distinctive, or jargon, e.g. "cyberspace", "HTML".
例如:"cyberspace", "HTML".
Use a variety of keywords. There may be additional items on your topic that use different terms. see example
Be aware that you may retrieve items not related to your topic see example
When you cannot remember the exact title of an item, do a keyword search using the title words you remember.
Using the appropriate subject heading for a topic will retrieve all items in the database indexed under that topic.
If you do not know the appropriate subject heading for your topic, conduct a keyword search first and look at the subject heading(s) of a relevant item. see example
Critical realism
Concise and simple, compact, lively plot, style humor, language crisp and full of musical rhythm, Yuyishenke
你好.关键词,翻译成英语是:Key word.
Today,information technology is developping rapidly, hotel industry is becoming more and more competitive. In order to adapt to the development of new era , new requirements of enhancing the quality of hotel services was proposed. Taking Xishuangbanna Bodhi Island Resort as an example, the paper's research began with the importance and necessity of enhancement of the hotel service quality,and
analyzed the present problems of informationizsed hardware and software existed in the hotel service quality,proposed the informationized solution to surveyed questions ,which improved the Bodhi Island Resort's brand image, competitiveness and income benefits.
Keywords: Lime Island Resort; informationized; service quality; enhencement of Service Quality